Dangerous commands in linux that you should never try .

Wait what did you say ,

Nothing Serious ...... ;-)

linux provides its users all permissions some are dangerous in the sense we can't return from executed command . Some of them are been listed below

+ rm -rf : Easiest way to delete your entire system files and just everything , everything .

rm -rf / - deletes everything in the root directory .
rm -rf * - deletes everything in the current directory and sub folders .

To be safe from it , create an alias 'rm' as 'rm -i'  in .bashrc file in home directory .

+ Fork bomb :   :(){:|:&};:

This piece of code is capable of freezing your system .It create an infinite no of process calling itself .
This could be also been implemented using fork() function in C . 


+mv folder /dev/null :   /dev/null is a BLACK HOLE . Anything goes in it will never come back . We can't retrieve the lost data .

+ > filename : Just deletes all the content of the file .

+ shred  filename : It will not delete the file inspite it change the content of the file in ALIENS Language . We cant derive back to its original form .

For video reference  .
