NoSystemIsSafe :-)

              Are you one of the people who connect your mobile devices to free public internet . Do you think they are giving it for free...... Maybe or Maynot .
But I have doubt on them . In the Recent days i had interest on Pentesting. While travelling on that way i have encountered that it's easy to hack our mobile devices , laptops , PC's etc... with just a simple line of code . It's the basic level of penetrating. while we connect to their free network we are laying them a way to intrude ourselves . They can collect our call_logs , sms , our ID , our location , they can contact others though our mobile and we should pay the bill :-( .Thay can easily take control of our front camera , back camera , they can record us ... They can know more about you that yourself...

While we download apps from play store , like flash light app , they seek us permission to allow to access our contacts , messaging , storage .. But why a flash light app needs all these . We just grant them permission..

                So what they are going to do with our data? This questions might be hitting some of the minds.... I can hear it :-) lol  . They can sell our data to call centres who knew the correct time to disturb us , they message us etc...
Also they keep on tracking ourselves. If you are in park and if some group of people are following you , keep their eye's on you not even closing even sneezing... and they are following you all day and night . What you will feel ?

               Now-a-days many of us use fingerprint's to unlock the device , their may be a backdoor to collect those also  . In Todays world




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